fasting today...
Dah masuk bulan Rejab kan..
So faster...Im so thankful to Allah..because give me chance for this year to celebrate and fasting on month of Rajab.
Actually why we call it Rejab in Calendar of Islam..what is so special about this month..
I just read the info about it..i want to know more..and i will share with u..baikkan sy..hehhe guwau je
Actually month of Rajab is included with the forbidden months of Islam Zulkaedah, Zulhiljah & Muharam.
On this month..Islam prohibited people to fight in war, unless they are threaten.
Allah berfirman,
”Sesungguhnya bilangan bulan pada sisi Allah adalah dua belas bulan, dalam ketetapan Allah di waktu Dia menciptakan langit dan bumi, di antaranya empat bulan haram. Itulah agama yang lurus, maka janganlah kamu menganiaya diri kamu dalam bulan yang empat itu, dan perangilah kaum musyrikin itu semuanya sebagaimana merekapun memerangi kamu semuanya, dan ketahuilah bahwasanya Allah beserta orang-orang yang bertakwa.” (QS At-Taubah: 36)
Al Allamah Ibnu Hajar wrote's, narrated by Abu Daud that the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم)prevail (yakni Sunat) fasting the forbidden months.
Fasting in Rajab is encouraged, but not a single hadith prove that fasting on certain days in the month of Rajab will be rewarded with special needs.
Diriwayatkan daripada Sayyidina Anas bin Malik رضي الله عنه beliau berkata: Adalah Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم apabila telah masuk bulan Rejab, Baginda صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم berdoa: Ya Allah Ya Tuhan kami, limpahilah berkat kepada kami pada bulan Rejab dan Sya’ban dan sampaikanlah kami ke bulan Ramadhan. (HR Imam Ahmad, ath-Thabarani dan lain-lain)
..Some said theres no valid hadith said to fasting at month of Rejab? hmm..searching searching...Yes ther beware are fake hadith about Rajab..u should beware on
Al-Iman Ibnu Jauzi mengatakan hadis ini maudhu' (palsu) dan pembohongan terhadap Rasulullah s.a.w. (Al-Maudhuuat, jilid 2, m/s 206) - Sumber :
Why Rajab special?
1. Because this month, there are many events happened such as Rajab contains historical events in which Muslims of the Battle of Tabuk, the release of Al-Aqsa from the hands of the Crusaders and the Muslims are of the opinion thatthis month of Isra 'and Mi'raj of Prophet Muhammad.
2. Syahrullah Rajab (month Allah) forgive those who ask forgiveness and repent to Him. Fasting in the month of Rajab, the fast is obligatory for:
a. Pardon for past sins.
b. Allah kept our remaining age in this life.
c. Missed of thirst in the hereafter.
Why we just encouraged to fasting on certai day?
Those who fasts Monday, Thursday and so on in the month of Rajab. Theirfasts not for the benefits of of Rajab which is sourced from the hadiths which are notauthentic, but because the hadith that organize fasting on Monday and Thursday.This is the sunnah.
By the way..if u intrested know u can read on this blog: Bulan Rejab
Come and lets celebrate this month..with the good things..Salam.Hola!
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